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Account aanmakenYoyogi Park Bookstore
Doris Croissant (et al.)
Splendid Impressions
The first part of this book discusses the reception of Japanese art and the dawn of East Asian art history in Germany, and the role of the monk painter as mediator between Chinese and Japanese concepts of secular art. The main body shows 94 works.
Andreas Marks
Genji’s World in Japanese Woodblock Prints
Genji's world in Japanese Woodblock Prints provides the first comprehensive overview of Genji prints, an exceptional subject and publishing phenomenon among Japanese woodblock prints that gives insight into 19th-century Japan and its art practices.
Igarashi Taro
Contemporary Japanese Architects
Architects play an essential role in society, they help shape the environment in which we live and work. Read how architects in Japan responded to the demands of their times and continue to engage with new economic realities and the shifting global order.