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Washizuka Hiromitsu & Roger Goepper (et al.)
Enlightenment embodied
This exhibition catalogue contains 32 individual and group sculptures, all masterpieces of which many could be seen only in Japan. An essential reference work for those interested in Japanese Buddhist sculptor's techniques. [Antiquarisch]
Nicole Coolidge Rousmaniere & Mikiko Hirayama (et al.)
Reflecting Truth
This book shows how scholarly investigation of Japanese photography has entered a transitional stage – moving beyond its focus on new discoveries and descriptions of collections, to investigating photography in historical and cultural contexts.
Justin Jesty
Art and Engagement in Early Postwar Japan
Jesty reframes the history of art and its politics in Japan post-1945. This fascinating cultural history addresses our broad understanding of the immediate postwar era moving toward the Cold War and subsequent consolidations of political and cultural life