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Justin Jesty
Art and Engagement in Early Postwar Japan
Jesty reframes the history of art and its politics in Japan post-1945. This fascinating cultural history addresses our broad understanding of the immediate postwar era moving toward the Cold War and subsequent consolidations of political and cultural life
Asato Ikeda (et al.)
Art and War in Japan and its Empire: 1931-1960
Art and War in Japan and its Empire: 1931-1960 is an anthology that investigates the impact of the Fifteen-Year War (1931-1945) on artistic practices and brings together twenty scholars including art historians, historians, and museum curators.
Jan de Hond & Menno Fitski
De Smalle Brug
Bijna 250 jaar was Nederland het enige westerse land dat rechtstreeks handel mocht drijven met Japan. Kooplieden mochten het eilandje Deshima in de baai van Nagasaki echter niet verlaten. In de twintigste eeuw liepen de spanningen op en raakten de landen